
Posts Tagged ‘Cybage’

Knowledge Work Book – Interview Question Bank(QA)

August 24, 2012 1 comment

Company: Cybage Software [An SEI-CMMI Level 5 assessed &  V1.3 Company]

Interview Type: Walk-in/Referral walk-in

Date: 11th August 2012

Venue: CT1, Kalyaninagar, PUNE

Rakesh Hansalia (QA, Cybage, Gandhinagar )
Below are the questions which were asked to the candidates in the walk-in interview for QA position:

1)      Describe yourself

2)      Describe your current project?

3)      Which is the android latest version?

4)      What is the difference between Android 2.1 and Android 2.2?

5)      Oops concepts.

6)      Difference between a class and a interface.

7)      Different version control.

8)      SQL queries.

9)      Do you have any idea of join in sql?

10)  Test case format

11)  What are smoke, regression and functional testing?

12)  Bug Life cycle

13)  What is equivalence partitioning?

14)  How to identify an object in selenium and QTP?

15)  How to display a message in Selenium?

16)  Different views in QTP.

17)  Different modes in QTP.

18)  What is test automation framework?

19)  What are different types of automation frameworks?

20)  How you do security testing for an application?

21)  What content you include in test status report?

22)  How you have mentored your team? ( This question is applicable if you have written in your CV that you have mentored)

23)  Have you prepared test plan? If yes, then what content you include in test plan?

24)  Would you like to ask any questions from us?

25)  Describe application certification testing.

26)  How you do certification testing?

27)  What role you are playing in your current company?

28)  What are the differences and similarity between the mobile app which you are testing in your current project with the app if you tested it on windows?

29)  Difference between System testing and Functional testing.

30)  3 most important test scenarios for a pen.

31)  3 least important test scenarios for a pen from user point of view.

32)  Suppose 100 requirements are there, how will you estimate them?

33)  Suppose 1000 tcs are there, will you run all 1000 tcs on all devices?

34)  3 assert commands.

35)  Difference between Selenium Web driver, RC and IDE.

36)  Rate yourself for automation.

37)  What are the components of QTP?

38)  Do you have knowledge of sql?

39)  What is compatibility testing? Is compatibility testing functional or non functional?

40)  What is non-functional testing?

41)  Relate usability and reliability with your current project.

42)  Suppose somebody is not comfortable with you in your team and he/she does not tell anybody what he/she feels but you know that your peer is not comfortable then what will you do?

43)  If you have mentioned hobbies in your resume, then they can ask you questions related to your hobbies.

44)  Do you have any questions which you want to ask?

45)  What is root cause analysis?

46)  3 scenarios for which you as a tester can’t do root cause analysis or help developer to know the what is the reason for a bug?

47)  write a c program to create a pattern :       1

2 2

3  3  3

48) What is stdio.h?

49) What is a library?

50) Tell me the names of 3 libraries.

51) Tell me the names of 5 automation tools for mobile.

52) Suppose you are the only resource and work is of 3 days and you have to complete it in 2 days, then what will you do?

53) Suppose you have to select device for an application which should work on latest as well as previous Android versions, then which device will you select?

54) What is polymorphism?